As Nintendo transitions away from developing games for the Wii U towards mobile gaming and the NX console, rumored to be launching this year, Mother 3 may lend a brief, but welcome show of support for the flagging publisher. Nintendo may also be motivated by the public response to a new Mother 3 release, based on the positive reception to the Wii U re-release of Earthbound in 2013. Mother and Mother 2 work great, but the emulator used for Mother 3 must suck or something, because the music is glitchy, and the frame rate’s all over the place. International awareness of the Mother games, if not interest, has also grown thanks to series heroes Ness and Lucas appearances in Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. 1 2 3 4 5 » Next Prev « Reply SomethinSadmanBro This game is awesome. The critical and public reception to the 2013 re-release of Earthbound on the Wii U virtual console, prompted Nintendo to localize Mother, the first game in the series, as Earthbound Beginnings, 26 years after its initial release on the Japanese Famicom.

Though the series accrued a loyal following among western RPG fans, Nintendo has only recently turned its attention back to localizing the rest of the Earthbound franchise. Im doing the guy that made Mother 1+2+3 a huge favor by showing you guys an installation video on this great game.

The game North American RPG fans know as Earthbound was originally released in Japan as Mother 2, the second chapter in the Earthbound series. Gameplay edit Mother 3 is a single-player role playing video game similar to previous games in the Mother series.